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Is Auburn Suffering Now To Succeed Later?

Could a sluggish start to the spring be an indication of things to come?

Auburn’s Quarterback room is below coach Hugh Freeze’s expectations. Is Auburn suffering now to succeed later?

In a press conference, Hugh Freeze gave the statement that the Quarterbacks are underperforming. While they are coachable they aren’t where they need to be.

They are supposed to have growing pains because we’re asking them to do a lot.

-Mike G on the Mid-Week Rapport

None of the quarterbacks have met their coach’s expectations. Freeze said he expected great progress by the end of the week but regardless, is this worthy of concern?

Not only are there new targets for these guys to adjust to, it’s also a brand new system. It’s a large leap to make, and many fans are asking if any of them can make it to the other side.

To listen to more conversations like this head over to The War Rapport

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